Community Engagement

Big Changes in the Community Through Give Back. Big.

Through Give Back. Big., the Center for Civic Engagement provides monetary support to Nebraska students and organizations who want to make a difference but do not have enough financial resources to execute their plans.

“Anyone who has a desire to serve their community can do so, and we can support them in this endeavor through Give Back. Big.,” said graduate student assistant Phillip Foster.

Congressman Leads Democracy Discussion with Students

On Monday, Oct. 24, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry joined a crowd of more than 60 attendees to share his ideas on democracy and answer questions. The event, called The Future of Democracy, was hosted by the Association of Students at the University of Nebraska (ASUN), the Department of Political Science and the Center for Civic Engagement.

Senators Debate on Death Penalty Before the Public Votes

Nebraska State Senators Colby Coash and Beau McCoy debated the death penalty on Tuesday, Oct. 25 in the Centennial Room of the Nebraska Union as a part of the Sorensen Seminar Series, sponsored by the Public Policy Center. The Center for Civic Engagement, the Department of Political Science, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Journalism and Mass Communications co-sponsored the event.