Diversity in Student Affairs

As the University of Nebraska-Lincoln community becomes more diverse, we can expect individual and group needs to change. Student Affairs departments must stand ready to address these changing needs. Our commitment is to be proactive in our support of diversity and to effectively address any issues and concerns that might arise as we become a more pluralistic community. All Student Affairs staff members must help create an environment in which all members of the university community will find support for their individual growth and development.

To achieve this goal, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs expects that significant leadership will be provided by Student Affairs Directors to ensure that all forms of intolerance are challenged and appropriate changes enacted. Throughout the Division, critical inquiry of existing programs and policies, alternative administrative structures and hiring models, continuing educational programs, and viable support systems for all staff and students must become pervasive if true diversity is to be realized. As a formal part of the annual performance evaluation process, each Student Affairs Director will compile a report presenting the efforts and results of departmental activities that support and enhance this goal.

We can help to achieve this goal by becoming actively involved in our support of every individual and by increasing our own and others’ appreciation for all cultures and beliefs. Among the ways in which this goal may be accomplished are:

  • participating in programs and performances which illuminate the cultural heritage, traditions, and contributions of minority groups;
  • becoming involved in university, community, state, and national minority organizations;
  • critically reviewing and generating policies and procedures which are sensitive to the needs of all populations;
  • confronting all forms of intolerance in the workplace;
  • developing working relationships with people of diverse background and life experiences;
  • serving as mentors, internship supervisors and supportive employers;
  • acting to address minority under-representation in the Student Affairs staff;
  • proactively supporting the application of minority associates for university positions; and
  • serving as strong advocates for minority employment and promotion.

In Student Affairs, we seek to attract a diverse staff to assist our students and provide a broad range of role models. As of 2015, our division has 14% of staff members who identify as non-white, compared to 9% at the university as a whole.

Employee Profiles by Race/Ethnicity
Charts that shows Student Affairs diversity as compared to the entire university

SAP Reporting, 2015


To help create a welcoming community for diverse staff members, directors are encouraged to contact Karen Kassebaum, Director of Staff Diversity in Human Resources, upon hiring.

Faculty & Staff Diversity Resources